Pattern : Relationship between the squares of two consecutive Numbers

do sMiKAwvW dy vrgW iv`c sMbMD
( Relationship between the squares of two Consecutive Numbers )

Students Gurmukh Singh and Vicky Thakur of Govt. Model Sen.Sec.School P.A.U Ludhiana  establish a relationship between two consecutive number in maths class.

According to their observation, they find that  square of any number can also be obtained by adding squaring previous number with the twice of given number and then subtracting one from the result .

srkwrI mwfl sInIAr sYkMfrI skUl pI.ey.XU dy ividAwrQI gurmu`K isMG Aqy iv`kI TwkUr v`loN  klws iv`c hI bYTy – bYTy do sMiKAwvW dy vrgW iv`c sMbMD sQwipq krky AiDAwpkW nUM vI hYrwn kr id`qw [ auhnW ny d`isAw ik iksy sMiKAw dw vrg aus qoN ipClI sMiKAw dy vrg iv`c sMiKAw dw dugxw joV ky Aqy AMq iv`c ie`k Gtwaux qy vI iml jWdw hY [

audwhrx (Examples) :-

 82 = 64   = 72 + 2x8 -1 = 49 +16 -1

282 = 784  = 272 + 2x28 -1 = 729 +56 -1

ies  dI puStI auhnW v`lo jnrl PwrmUlw lgw ky vI kIqI geI hY[

They proved it by applying general formula algebraically. 

a2 = (a-1)2 +2a -1
     = a2 + 1 -2a +2a -1
     =  a2